Item Infomation

Title: Transforming academic libraries in the digital age: VINUNI university smart library leading the path of innovation and excallence
Authors: Tin, Tony
Ha, To Tam
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The VinUniversity Library is dedicated to establishing itself as an academic library of excellence in the 21st century. However, building a modern library from scratch for a newly established university comes with its own unique set of challenges. The library must address the evolving needs of the contemporary learning community while simultaneously laying the foundation to support the university's academic aspirations. In pursuit of this objective, the library has embraced the "SMART" principle (SMART) across all its operations. By leveraging digital technologies and innovative services, the library ensures its continued relevance and engagement with its users. Moreover, the library has meticulously formulated a set of core values encapsulated by the acronym E.X.C.E.L., comprising Engagement, eXcellence, Creativity, Experiential learning, and Legacy. By fostering these values, the library strives to cultivate a culture of excellence that permeates all its endeavors. This paper provides invaluable insights into the challenges and advantages of constructing a Smart library from scratch. It will delve into the fundamental values that underpin the library's approach and shed light on how these values contribute to creating an academic library with a culture of excellence.
Appears in Collections:LĨNH VỰC THÔNG TIN - THƯ VIỆN




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