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  • Authors: Đinh, Đắc Thi (2022)

  • Mục đích của nghiên cứu là lựa chọn và đánh giá hiệu quả các bài tập nâng cao thể lực cho sinh viên khoa 60 Trường Đại học Văn hóa Hà Nội. Nghiên cứu tổ chức ứng dụng thực nghiệm trên 250 nam, nữ sinh viên khóa 60 Trường Đại học Văn hóa Hà Nội, kết quả nghiên cứu đã cho thấy sau Đi học kỳ thực nghiệm ghi nhận sự tăng trưởng của 2 nhóm sinh viên nam, nữ (tại p<0.05). Tile sinh viên nam và nữ xếp loại tốt, đặt theo tiêu chuẩn thế lực người Việt Nam cùng lửa tuổi tăng lên rõ rệt so với trước thực nghiệm,

  • Article

  • Authors: Đinh, Đắc Thi (2022)

  • Qua nghiên cứu bài viết đã lựa chọn được 18 bài tập để nâng cao thể lực chung cho nam sinh viên Trường Đại học Thái Bình. Việc ung dung các bài tập lựa chọn trên đã có tác dụng nâng cao hiệu quả công tác GDTC ở nhà trường một cách đáng kể. Qua 03 tháng thực nghiệm cho thấy kết quả kiểm tra thể lực chung của ly nam sinh viên khóa 9 sau thực nghiệm cho thấy 22 em ở nhóm thực nghiệm thể lực trung phát triển tốt hơn 2 em ở nhóm đối chứng, sự khác biệt này có ý nghĩa thống kê với p<0.05.

  • Article

  • Authors: Đặng, Hà Chi (2022)

  • After the October Revolution, the seeds of socialism in the society of the Soviet began to emerge and develop, although still a very primitive occurrence. Lenin had to advance and creatively implement dialectical logic to have the ability to detect and realize those primitive "cells." It had fulfilled by Lenin based on two main points: to rehearse the essential abstraction distributed as the starting point corresponding to the possibilities of the future society that is still in its infancy; to discover the cooperative system as the basis, the starting point, the commencement of theory and practice to achieve the immediate aim of moving toward socialism, and finally toward communism. In this article, the authors clarify those theoretical and practical contributions of Lenin, thereby...

  • Article

  • Authors: Nguyễn, Thị Anh Tuyết (2022)

  • At the scene of forming the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), the State plays a vital role in developing Vietnam's tourism. The State has many mechanisms and policies to encourage and facilitate Vietnam's tourism to develop. However, large numbers of policies and laws on tourism are still lacking and inconsistent, not really clear, and not effective: some regulations are not suitable; Legal documents are promulgated slowly compared to requirements, with low effectiveness and efficiency. Through a survey sent to 112 tourism businesses in the area of Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City, and 108 managers at all levels, this research determined; to evaluate the success factor of the state's role in tourism development in Vietnam after the AEC was formed. On that basis, the research contribut...

  • Article

  • Authors: Vũ, Thị Thanh Hoài (2022)

  • Abstract: With his compositions. Luu Quang Vu has made an important contribution to creating the face and voice of the stage in the 80s. Some of Lun Quang Vu's drama works that have been put into teaching are all good works. However, dramatic text is a type of text with its own specific characteristics. Therefore teaching literary scripts is not an easy job for both teachers and students. Finding an optimal approach is always a problem for every teacher. In order to contribute to improving the teaching effectiveness of Lun Quang Vu's dramatic works, the author studies the contributions of Luu Quang Vu's plays to Vietnamese Theater in particular and to social life in general.

  • Article

  • Authors: Hoàng, Thị Thu Huyền (2022)

  • The birth and development of the Communist Party of Vietnam is associated with the great role and merits of President Ho Chi Minh. Starting with the Party Founding Conference in 1930, up to now, the Party's "golden historical phoenix has had 13 sacred "milestones, namely 13 National Congresses. President Ho Chi Minh has always been the "soul" of all congresses that have taken place in the more than 90-year history of growth and

  • Article

  • Authors: Vũ, Thị Thanh Hoài (2022)

  • Abstract: Drama is a general art form, often composed into works to be performed on stage or in cinema. For the drama genre, many teachers still consider it difficult to teach. Drama is written to act, so the object of the drama's description is the conflicts in daily life. To contribute to improving the effectiveness of Luu Quang Vu's drama teaching, the author analyzes conflicts in Lui Quang Vu's plays.

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  • Authors: Nguyễn, Ngọc Quý (2022)

  • Facal education is one of the five indispensable educational contents in the training program of each university Including German intellectual, physical, aesthetic, labor In particular physical education aims at physical development and prolonging mon Physical education has a close relationship with other aspects of education. If people are physically weak it is difficult for them to develop comprehensively and contribute to the general development of the whole society. For that reason, physical education has alway respected and taught by educational institutions as compulsory contents Key words. Education physical, university present.

  • Article

  • Authors: Nguyễn, Ngọc Quý (2022)

  • This is an activity to thengthen people physical health contribute to enriching spiritual life, and ople to develop comprehted Therefore, the development of physical training and sports in general and mass sporu in frong s policy and social policy of our Party and State. Along with the goal of strengthening and protecting ties and society sport is also one of the solutions to create cohesion and social support towards the