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  • Tác giả: Nguyễn, Thanh Tâm; Lại, Vũ Kiều Trang (2021)

  • It cannot be denied that the development of a university is largely contributed by the quality of the teaching staff. With the rapid development of society nowadays, lecturers need to improve their own capacity in professional knowledge, skills, expertise, etc. to meet the dramatic changes in education. There are some ways lecturers often use to improve their professional competence, one of which is participating in short courses which usually take place in a short time. The aim of these courses is to help them improve their knowledge and skills, which is hoped to bring great effect in teaching. However, how is the satisfaction of lecturers after short courses? The research was conducted on 15 lecturers from 15 different universities, who had attended at least one short course insid...

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